applying undercoat plasters

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what warrior said.. thats exactly what i was taught.. always lay into itself..
thing is... skimming is laid onto a flat surface and feathering it out is easy and preferable to building up a thickness..

render (forget hardwall for the minute) is a different ballgame imo.. starting with a full trowel and feathering out onto a rough dry surface has got to be more difficult than feathering out into already laid on mix... plus laying into it your compacting it as you go... therefore stronger... feathering out render is encouraging it to fail...
maybe youd rulle back into it right to left to alleviate this?

either way, the reason i do hardwall same way is cos its the way ive always done render, and i was rendering before i was hardwalling..

i dont suppose it does matter too much with hardwall on a flatish surface...

but sharpish sand and cement on old bricks.... different ballgame??
when I am skimming I lay up left to right bringing the trowel up the wall and sweeping to the right.

when laying hardwall or render i lay up left to right but just lay straight up then rule off.

I dont believe that laying right to left will compact it or make it stronger !! ???.

I have a job starting in a few weeks renovating an old house, ill try the right to left out :)

Wich way is left , and which way is right .I ask this cos the other day i asked my mate which way at the junction he said left , so i went left , and he said wrong way you numpty , i said left , he ment right , or was it left .
Why is every one trying to make plastering complicated, get it on the wall as quick as you can, rule it job done.
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