Approx wages

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Private Member
Mate of mine wants to hit the plastering domestic scene full time self emplyed.

Hes a decent skimmer and can do boarding,floating and is a pretty handy tiler.

Earns 21k for a housing ass at the moment but hates it. He was asking me whether he would be better off doing domestic plastering self emplyed.. told him i had no idea. i plaster part time with another frriend on day rate so i had no advice to offer him..

What do u think he could clear per week ? and how many weeks of the year will he be working. has own van tools/cscs etc.

i could offer him no advice but i can show him this thread.
Approx wages
i know john i suppose he was saying will he be better off than than the 21k employed.........
i have just started out mate and charge 200 day but i dont have work every day at the moment but am setting the website up and getting contacts. is he qualified plasterer mate or not
tell him to try to get weekend work and keep his job for now see how that pans out personally i wouldnt work for less than 1000 ponds a day plus materials and diesel for me van and a few cups of tea . we dont talk wages on here mate it drives our fees down
Tell him to stop being a vagina and go for it only got to work 3 days a week if that to match housing ass. Plus you put in a silly price for patch repair n rubbish jobs rather than being forced to do several of them a day
Mate of mine wants to hit the plastering domestic scene full time self emplyed.

Hes a decent skimmer and can do boarding,floating and is a pretty handy tiler.

Earns 21k for a housing ass at the moment but hates it. He was asking me whether he would be better off doing domestic plastering self emplyed.. told him i had no idea. i plaster part time with another frriend on day rate so i had no advice to offer him..

What do u think he could clear per week ? and how many weeks of the year will he be working. has own van tools/cscs etc.

i could offer him no advice but i can show him this thread.
this is a bit like asking "how long is a piece of string", just because he can do the work doesn't mean he will get plenty of it, my advice stick with his current job at least it guaranteed money
AT the housing ass he will have a pension sick pay if he is ill holiday pay etc and i would expect a van to run around doing the jobs.
Self employed no sick pay no holiday pay gotta buy your own van and fuel, insurances, advertising. If and it's a big if he makes the same per year as he currently is in his first 3 years of trading he will be doing very well. However if he currently dose a lot of work weekends and evenings the transition could be smoother.
The only way he will ever find out if the water is hot or cold is if he puts his toe in the water." He who dares wins Rodney" well sometimes :RpS_lol:
£21k a year with holiday pay and sick pay? Domestic work is cut throat. Private customers shop around and ring everybody for the best deal. Working for 'x' amount a day is one thing but it is the running around all over the place in your own personal time looking at jobs without getting paid for that time he needs to consider.

I would jump at a job at £21k a year for 39hrs a week. Once your shift is over you can get on with your own private life and leave work behind you. Working for yourself you never stop. Well I don't, mentally working 7 days and nights a week. Think of work in my sleep and it does my head in!
Its always the same, how much this and that and I get this but we only can charge that!?? You are only as good as you last job ! If you get paid what you quote and the customer is happy then that's a bonus! The subject of money always makes for an angry thread of bragging and falling out! :-(
Some jobs you can earn good money ,best way to look at it ,is not what you earn a day , but what you earn a year

This is so true! A day rate means nothing if you are only doing a day or two a week. Winter works drops off for everyone so it has it's up's and down's. What you average a year divide by 52 and you will be surprised at what you earn a week after overheads are taken out.
£21k a year with holiday pay and sick pay? Domestic work is cut throat. Private customers shop around and ring everybody for the best deal. Working for 'x' amount a day is one thing but it is the running around all over the place in your own personal time looking at jobs without getting paid for that time he needs to consider.

I would jump at a job at £21k a year for 39hrs a week. Once your shift is over you can get on with your own private life and leave work behind you. Working for yourself you never stop. Well I don't, mentally working 7 days and nights a week. Think of work in my sleep and it does my head in!

if you self employed its a lifestyle choice, not just a work life choice.
There's all the hidden costs as well. Advertising, van mot, van breakdown, tool upkeep, accountants fees, insurances. Not to mention the stress of working for yourself. Better off staying where he is.
What you can earn is controlled by supply and demand, the area you work in ie (London or Sutton bridge) different animals and how much quality work you can produce in a day.
This is so true! A day rate means nothing if you are only doing a day or two a week. Winter works drops off for everyone so it has it's up's and down's. What you average a year divide by 52 and you will be surprised at what you earn a week after overheads are taken out.
everyone here works for **** all too be like winning the lottery on 200 a day
Mate of mine wants to hit the plastering domestic scene full time self emplyed.

Hes a decent skimmer and can do boarding,floating and is a pretty handy tiler.

Earns 21k for a housing ass at the moment but hates it. He was asking me whether he would be better off doing domestic plastering self emplyed.. told him i had no idea. i plaster part time with another frriend on day rate so i had no advice to offer him..

What do u think he could clear per week ? and how many weeks of the year will he be working. has own van tools/cscs etc.

i could offer him no advice but i can show him this thread.

Windy can you not just tel him what your skimming day rate is ? he could then work out what he could earn on a full week.

Or why doesn't he just stick to tiling if hes time served !! I know tilers that earn as good as plasterers.
My surgeon earns fist fulls of cash if the insurance bill for my op is correct perhaps a career in surgery would reap him 10 times a plasterers wages at £200 a day that's his hourly rate. Think no bad back, knees or slogging your B******S off
It is a lifestyle choice and I had been destined to be in business since being in School. Still a business head on my shoulders but maybe getting a bit tired now. Looking back missing my lad growing up and dedicating my life to work. Now I am in the evening of my youth I realise life is too short to work all the time. I now want me time.

Come Saturdays and Sundays if I have no jobs to look at I am at a loss at what to do? Go to the local independent flicks if i can and watch a film. Those koreans make some weird films. Tarrantino is tame to those slant eyed film makers.
I only plaster now in my spare time. I have a job now that pays every week.My home life and stress levels are much better . Keep the regular money coming in until your plastering overtakes the regular wage. Trust me you cannot beat regular cash landing in your account,50 weeks per year..
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