Asbestos concern - not in the trade


New Member
Hi Guys
I’m not in your trade but I have an issue with some damage to walls in a building I work in.
Part of wall has come down and it’s taking an age to get fixed.
Can you advise if you think this is plaster board or asbestos?
Appreciate the help to keep my mind at rest as the wall seems to deteriorate when water comes in.


  • Asbestos concern - not in the trade
    216.1 KB · Views: 228
  • Asbestos concern - not in the trade
    265.9 KB · Views: 227
I feel like the apprentice that’s just been sent for a long stand!!
Presume from your answers I’m pretty safe then?
One last photo that I forgot to add. No doubt you can all have a good laugh at my s**t knowledge of the building trade


  • Asbestos concern - not in the trade
    201.3 KB · Views: 202
Hi Guys
I’m not in your trade but I have an issue with some damage to walls in a building I work in.
Part of wall has come down and it’s taking an age to get fixed.
Can you advise if you think this is plaster board or asbestos?
Appreciate the help to keep my mind at rest as the wall seems to deteriorate when water comes in.
Do you mind me asking how old are you?
Looks like house martins nesting! Try not to move the nest or disturb it’s not asbestos it’s bird s**t! Can be equally dangerous do the taste test as mentioned above (y)