Ashlar bands and quoins

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Well-Known Member
I have started a job with v ashlar bands and quoins.
The depth of the v when cutting out will be minimum 15mm.would it be better to try and achieve this in 2 passes or one heavy coat?
Hand applying the materials with traditional s&c.
Your thoughts please guys

rendering gang I used to labour for years ago used do scratch coat, nail lats, fill the quoins first( 1 heavy coat) take them off next day and top the rest.
the timber you nail on to form your quoins, tbh I not heard of ashlar band, presume they're the reasonably deep horizontal groves across the span of some renders, although they never used do those, only the quoinstones.
Cheers for the replays.will be cutting out bands and quoins by hand.have a quoin cutter from refina for the bands and will be cutting quoins with a small edge as in vid on here.
Will post pics when the cutting starts!!!!
Only if used in the base coat , I'd use it in top mix just to reduce the water in the mix ,improve workability and reduce risk of cracking as well as increase the strength of the bond
ramboo tools ireland do a quoin cutter, look for it on e bay i got one used a couple of time looks tidy and gives a consistant depth and width of quoins just a thought stuy
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