It's logistics. Though most people in UK don't consider Ireland abroad, it is. So I will in fact, be emigrating which is a substantial undertaking. You need a job and a place to live and some money and you need them all together at the same time....with work being so thin on the ground here, it's very difficult to get ahead. Nobody is building or renovating. Plus, who I can work for is ...put it this way, to a jobbing builder I'm a f**k**g Godsend because I can hold my own on site in all aspects of, say, a small extension.
Footings? Sure. Consider it done.
Brickes got a question? Steve's the foreman, ask him. He'll have the plans.
Base? No problems.
Pad...float it up today, Boss.
Did you do the drains? Of course I did, you f**k**g mong.
Board it, skim it, render problem.
Roof it, fit the fascia and soffit, fit the gutters, lay the paths.
Goddammit, with me around a jobbing builder can more or less walk off site when we break ground and come back just in time to collect the money.
But for specialist trades, I'm not much more than a jumped up labourer. Which is awkward when it comes to applying for jobs and not many people who desperately need a guy like me advertising for one.
Bada bing...there it is.