Backing Out A Whole House

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Re: Backing Out A Hole House

murplastering said:
ffs change the hole to whole everytime I read it it does my head in


maybe he means summat else by Backing Out Of A Hole??!!
I was told the same Spunky. Only that it helped keep the render flexable and reduce shrinkage cracking. Something to do with holding moisture while it dries out.
for me i wouldnt use it cause i use waterproofer in s/c for skimming and ive heard you cant mix the two
I have heard of that as well. Because most of the work I do is following DPC injection its nearly all 3:1 s&c no lime, loaded with waterproofer and a salt inhibiter. Still skim it the same day.

There is something in the compainys spec about the need for a strong mix and way the additives work some cracking may appear and its down to the client to fill em.
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