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[size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt]just wondering what everyone else dose?[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]
just messaged danny mate and he changed it. i originally registered as steve cov but had trouble signing in so changed to stevecovspread. but fancied changing back.
well sometimes i dab them on... sometimes i nail them on... Hmm which is best... lets ask Harry Hill oops theres a ....FIGHT....
find dabbing them is the fastest way. also a good way to get rid of leftover finish from the last set.
pwi said:
Did you read all this from your book kirk

there was no such thing as skim beads when the book was wrote mate, in them days they used to run them in with templates. in them days they were masters in the art of plastering. not just little half job skimmers like most nowerdays
Don't put yourself down you can't be that bad, well on second thoughts after reading your posts you probs are .lol
I'm booked to july time next year which is good but I don't like to turn work away that's why I've just go in from a 12 hour shift sat and sun
pwi said:
I'm booked to july time next year which is good but I don't like to turn work away that's why I've just go in from a 12 hour shift sat and sun

july next year? thats 18 months???? do you take alot of drugs pwi?
lads tell these customers to move down near me. there was a rendering job not far from me and that many people have gone in for it youve got no chance!
steve cov said:
lads tell these customers to move down near me. there was a rendering job not far from me and that many people have gone in for it youve got no chance!

maybe he just dose one wall a day and has the cheek to tell me he thinks am a bad spread? :D :D :D
I no how you feel steve I used to live just up the road from you but I moved back to scotland when the work died .and no kirk drugs are bad but if I have to read any more of your bullshit and crap advice I may be pushed,
posh b@stard! ;D if you've got any contacts that might need us mate we'd be greatful. got work in the pipe line its just waiting til its ready. i'm getting so lazy in the week its untrue!
steve cov said:
posh b@stard! ;D if you've got any contacts that might need us mate we'd be greatful. got work in the pipe line its just waiting til its ready. i'm getting so lazy in the week its untrue!

surely he can employ all of us he has 18 months booked up steve ;)
I used to put a advert in hartlands hospital and I'd get 4-5 calls a week also if your struggling ill pm you my old bosses number they were always looking for good lads
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