being taken to court!!

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New Member
hello lads (and lasses, sorry), ive got a question on screeding but i couldnt find a screeding section so i had to put in in here??
i screed a couple of floors for a bloke about 2 years ago and he rang up today threatening to take me to court because his radiator pipes have been leaking under the floor. I told him to speak to the plumber but he said he already had and the plumber said i must have knocked the pipes when i was screeding the floor and it started to leak slowly and its only just got noticed and its my fault so he's htreatening me with the small claims court because he says its ruined his carpets and everything. I know i didnt knock the pipes so how can i prove it wasnt me who wrecked his carpets??
tell him to go f... a spider !, if he had a leak,why didnt the plumber spot this when he commisioned the boiler ie pressure test the system, not your fault mate, cant believe it took two years for a leak to show, carpet would smell, and be damp. send him back to the plumber, and say it was was a bad joint ;)
Tell him to sling his hook mate... 2 Years??? hes having a larf and trying it on!!

Yes a leak would show on the boiler commision so tell him to blame the plumber.

Tell him you'll see him in court. He wont have a shread of proof.
Have to agree with kebab sounds like that could be the problem, hard to prove who is lialble here , was the heating system filled up and under pressure when you laid the floor? Ask the plumber if he can prove it was you that started the leak , i think if it started when the floor was layed it wouldnt of dried out, its down to the plumber to lagg his pipes but its down to you to say something if they were not lagged
exposed pipes should be run in sleeves really i always make sure if im doing this kind of work to cover my own ass
I would say this is the plumbers problem and hes just trying to get away with it.
The only way the pipe would leak by knocking it is if he used compression fittings in the screed. I cant imagine he did because its not good practice.
Its his job to protect his pipes. All pipes should be sleeved or layed in a duct.
Cement will will cause copper to corrode and even when you pass pipes through walls you sleeve them.
Its very simple, you do not have to worry, you do not need to prove you didnt do it he has to prove you did, which quite frankly two years down the line its impossible, in any case his home insurance will cover it if he doesnt have insurance then its his problem so do not worry.
thanks for the replies lads.. i still dont know what to do for the best though other than see him in court and see what comes.if i remember rightly the pipes were just laid on top of the concrete but no compression things on them but there was no lagging or anything like they put on sites that hessian it was a private job. i thought lagging was to keep the heat in or something and only gas pipes had to be sleeved to keep any gas from escapeing like that green coating on them in kitchens. if i did the job without saying anything have i got an obligation to tell the customer to lag the pipes or will they just shoot the plumber?
I pressume you got public liability insurance !!! if not then you really shouldnt be trading with out it.Incase something like this happens.
Just tell him youll see him in court .
i did have liability at the time but it was a cash job when i was working for someone else during the week and the heating was up and running at the time because it was the floors that were wood before and got concreted and the plumber come and put the radiators back on and made everything work before i went to screed the floor but i havent got any liability anymore because i havent done any work since christmas if they clame off me will the insutrance pay out if i was insured at the time but not any more?
if the plumber was told it was a screeded floor its down to him to protect his pipes but you shouldnt of layed it without lagging on them
I dont honestly know son.But be this a lesson for you.
In this day and age you got to insure yourself or you could lose everyting and end up in the nick also.
This underground leak could cost many thousands to repair if its been leaking for a long time.
Capilary action will bring the moisture up the wall and all plaster will have to come off,this could spread to other rooms also.In severe cases the occupants will even have to move out of there house until work is completed which could take 6 to 12 months.
This leak is to be treated just like a FLOOD and a flood aint good !!!!!!!!
i have to see what they do then i havent gone round to see but i seen lots of people jus laying screed on top without having to lag pipes or anything and render walls same with no lagging is it that hessian stuff like really thick old world scrim? thats what i seen on sites before but that was on old world copper pipes i not seen it on this new grey pipes.
dont know what it was.just grey stuff if i remember right.. its almost always grey stuff these days.clipped down with them little white clips?
Best thing is just ignore any letters , or have a trip to the citizen advise bureau .Get ya self insured now , then if a claim comes along it will be a few months anyway , then you should be covered .
surely two year down the line is a bit late to be coming back to tell you that you disturbed a pipe tell him to go and jump the floor would never of dried had you disturbed it and i know i would not put a carpet over a damp floor as you would defanatly see the wet spot to the rest of a screeded floor ???
I think until the floor is up and the pipes are exposed you wont know what exactly caused it.
If it was grey pipe then it would be plastic, this wouldnt have corroded.
If he had correctly installed the fittings and put in the right amount of clips needed then you would need to give it a big knock.

I googled this for you from the jg website

Concrete and masonry. Speedfit pipe and fittings can be laid in concrete and
masonry providing they are installed in conduit pipe with access boxes for the
fittings. This is to enable the pipe to expand and provide accessibility for both
pipe and fittings. As stated in Water Regulation Scheme 2.7 and BS 8000 :
Part 15, fittings and pipe should be removable for possible replacement. Insulation
is also recommended to protect against heat loss and the effects of frost.

If he hadnt done what is said above then it would be his fault because he was the installer.
You are not the installer so you are not to know if the pipes are installed correctly or not.
well said
islandview said:
I think until the floor is up and the pipes are exposed you wont know what exactly caused it.
If it was grey pipe then it would be plastic, this wouldnt have corroded.
If he had correctly installed the fittings and put in the right amount of clips needed then you would need to give it a big knock.

I googled this for you from the jg website

Concrete and masonry. Speedfit pipe and fittings can be laid in concrete and
masonry providing they are installed in conduit pipe with access boxes for the
fittings. This is to enable the pipe to expand and provide accessibility for both
pipe and fittings. As stated in Water Regulation Scheme 2.7 and BS 8000 :
Part 15, fittings and pipe should be removable for possible replacement. Insulation
is also recommended to protect against heat loss and the effects of frost.

If he hadnt done what is said above then it would be his fault because he was the installer.
You are not the installer so you are not to know if the pipes are installed correctly or not.
youre innocent till proven guilty mate and anyone could have nocked that pipe err how can they prove you did it ???
How is he going to take you to court if it was a cash job he cant even proove you done the work.
What i would do mate is get spunky and pug in is tigger suit to go round his house and give him a good old rogering and then when they have done with him me n monkey can sort his missus out (me first of course) and then fruitcake can go an sort the dog out . how's that sound Boy's ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
safe i might be nudging fruitcake out of the way but then im a greeedy mutha
bloke hasnt rang me back yet cos i ignored him maybe but if he does im gonna tell him im sorry i dint know wha your on about you must have the wrong number i axed someone and they said that cmemnt eats copper and that why they cover it up for you on sites and i supposed to know that so i felt like a cock but i know know anyway i wouldnt do his missus cos shes a dog and i bet shes the one with the money cos hes a dickhead too but if you lads want to come and do his missus i bet shed be well up for it cos she lloks like she needs a good one but she never had one so maybe one of the young lads could get his feet wet and maybe his ears at the same time cos she looks like shed suck people in an i bet theyve people lost in there the fat butch bitch but maybe spunkybum or whatever hes called would be able to teach her a lesson cos i read what he says an he looks like he knows what the crack is when you stick something up someone who looks like they need it ggod lad spunkybum ;D
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