Bennu spray gun


Thanks for the detailed information. We are looking at spraying and then finish with a float with a ritmo. How long can you leave an open join on a scaffold for. That's what we are worried about
No chance of doing that. Dries too quick to add a trowel to it.
The beauty of spraying with the ritmo set up is there are no problems with joints. You can do half a wall , go back a few hours later and carry on. Using circular sweeping movements with the gun the silicone render just blends in. Use 1mm as the jets in the gun can get blocked using bigger grit. Do one pass in am then 2nd coat after dinner. Too soon between coats can cause it to run.
The beauty of spraying with the ritmo set up is there are no problems with joints. You can do half a wall , go back a few hours later and carry on. Using circular sweeping movements with the gun the silicone render just blends in. Use 1mm as the jets in the gun can get blocked using bigger grit. Do one pass in am then 2nd coat after dinner. Too soon between coats can cause it to run

The beauty of spraying with the ritmo set up is there are no problems with joints. You can do half a wall , go back a few hours later and carry on. Using circular sweeping movements with the gun the silicone render just blends in. Use 1mm as the jets in the gun can get blocked using bigger grit. Do one pass in am then 2nd coat after dinner. Too soon between coats can cause it to run.

Thing I with that finish all customers hate it looking to heavy they prefer hand float as it looks more modern
We hand apply our thin coat finishes aswell for that very reason, just get plenty of bodies on it.
I find a lot of the lads with spray guns are small outfits that cannot cope with big areas finished by hand. Dave who Mr White quoted has it bang on but he has invested a lot in equipment and uses a quality silicone.

I do wonder though with the render needing to be absolutely flat and perfect plus the time involved with masking up, is it worth it? I dragged in extra hands on the big walls.