best bucket to mix in?

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New Member
i use then white tall buckets from travis...hold max 1 bag of skim....

wot else can i use...and the big yellow ones get yellow bit in the skim the mixxer rips u the bucket...
i use the flexi buckets, i also found little bits of the bucket when troweling up, but i dont seem to find them anymore, i think the buckets have toughened up a bit.

plus with flexi bucket, u can tap the bucket without breaking it. ideal when u mix way to much plaster  ;D
you can buy the same buckets in pink!! then it wont show the bits in the skim...
or you could take a file to the sharp edges on the whisk... ;)
my new whisk did it for a bit then it must have rounded off a bit, i dont get it anymore...
it only seems to be when the buckets are new after you have mixed up a few times in em they stop doing it..
if it real prob just dont let the paddle touch the sides..
I know a guy that owns a bakers and he gives us the big tubs tht comes with the yeast he buys. they are great, really solid and easy 2 clean, take 2 bags of multi finish. :P
i worked with a lad and we were mixing in hardwall butts and taking it out with a shovel :D .........then we forgot to wash out after the first mix so went back to skimming buckets ;D
if you use a spot board then it can only be a white plasterers bucket if you dig it out of a bucket then its gorilla tubs you want its easier and quicker with a spot board i think anyway unless your working in a tight spot.
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