Best place to buy good strong straight edge?

Looking the best place to find a good sturdy edge for s&c find most of them too flimsy

I’ve got a nice 6 foot straight edge that I found in a garage of a rental property we took on. Really thick Ali. Bought an 8 footer which is ok, but not same quality.

The best one I had was made for me by a welder fabricator mate. He machined an edge on an I section beam he had lying around. Strong and rigid as...straight as a die too, just couldn’t pick the f**k*r up.
Those Refina trapezoid ones are shite, too flimsy for anything over about 1.5m.
The last decent quality featheredge I bought was made by Tayler Tools.
Got one from Sheffield insulation bout 20 years ago I think. Working on a site up Manor top I think it was @zombie . f**k**s used to pull up in vans and cut chains and nick generators