best render admix?

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New Member
just curious to whats the best product to use. theres so many on the market. how about the everbuild 3in1 waterproofer,plasterciser and salt inhibitor?
just curious to whats the best product to use. theres so many on the market. how about the everbuild 3in1 waterproofer,plasterciser and salt inhibitor?

I've used the Everbuild 3in1 waterproofer, plasticiser and retarder for years.
Think they are pretty much the same.

Its the quality of sand that effects the mix the most.
I've used the Everbuild 3in1 waterproofer, plasticiser and retarder for years.
Hi Andy . I often wondered about the contradiction of a waterproofer/plasticiser in one? I do use them myself but if one cancels the other what exactly have we got?
Er, youv went all technical there??I thought plasticiser was to give a nice useable mix,reduce shrinkage cause you don't use so much water? Waterproofer for improving the resistance of water or moisture through the render???? The obviously work together tho, or we wouldn't be usin them all these years:RpS_thumbup:
Er, youv went all technical there??I thought plasticiser was to give a nice useable mix,reduce shrinkage cause you don't use so much water? Waterproofer for improving the resistance of water or moisture through the render???? The obviously work together tho, or we wouldn't be usin them all these years:RpS_thumbup:
We have been smoking, drinking, doing drugs and sleeping with loose women for years, driving too fast, shouting at people, it must be right or we would not do it he he...
Usually use that Sika stuff in the small bottles with the measuring gauge. At the moment though we're using Sika 1 as it was provided for the job we're doing. £180 a drum though :-0 good job we didn't have to pay for it.
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