Best way to use trowel

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i got one. round the corners off first. there slighty off balance but easy after a few swings. only really good for last couple of trowels. i dont even pull it out that often to be honest. nice to bling a ceiling though. my carbon does the same but shes well broken in.
soo you have taken a product you know very little about and used it on paying customers homes.. fair play that’s brave of you.

You reply with such ickle letters would you like to twy again ickle poppet
soo you have taken a product you know very little about and used it on paying customers homes.. fair play that’s brave of you.

What we have actually done is made a calculated decision with many years of plastering experience behind us onwether to take the chance and use a product realtively new on the market with the knowledge if it goes wrong its easy enough to put right afterwards.They are a very usefull tool to have in the bag but they will not replace a steel trowel !!!
I think that if you look back over old posts this was a sarcastic post referring to when some users had a pop for people using new tools at some one else’s expense, yet here they are having a pop them selfs..
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