best way with this artex

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alright lads. got an artex to skim over next week ..its not the stipple type its like the comb type as like neat curved lines all not real any need to scrape at all bit the lines in it are about 5-10 mill would 2 coats of multi be on ok it? there is coving.

sorta liek this pic
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did one the other week, exactly the same... 1st coat thick as you can mix it and still spread it, flatten it makin sure youve covered all of it..
top as normal..
look deceptive though do combed patterns... just take any high spot off before you start and mix prolly double what you'd normally mix for a first coat... it eats the stuff..
im with segs on this......or if its silly thick 3 coat it 1st then lay second straight away then flatten then 3rd...but ive only needed to do this once.....can normally get over it in 2 coats....good luck fella......did one a while back with a seashell print...really good artex work....he was prpbably a master of his arts....shame to cover it really.....but i wouldnt have it in my house lol
dont get on it too early with the second coat wants to shrink back as much as poss or the second coat will too
yeah will need to give it a scrap in places but let your first coat pull right in to nearly touch dry then top it off
alrite nice 1 will pva 2-3 times aswell make sure we get some time as im hittin the hallway and landing celing in one hit.
Whats the problem ?? just skim it you know how !!! unless you just tryin to make conversation, not tryin to be an arse but you obviously know the score. so crack on
? thing is im lookin to do a better job many ways to do it just trying to find the best..i think that when it comes 2 artex walls u cant beat bonding them out..but when the celing has covin u cant reali do that ..or even over just tryin ta find out what other ways people would hit it.
nothin to stop you layin a real thin coat of bonding up there first mate, just enough to fill it...
using bonding really helps the shrinkage problem and a thin one will be ok to skim on in 20 mins..
going over artex i used to hate , but most of my jobs now seem to be covering them up and find them no problem now . i always give it a good scrape first 2 - 3 coats of pva depending on size of ceiling . 1st coat quite thick whack it on flatten then let it pull in as much as possible then get 2nd coat on as normal . happy days
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