Private Member
Hi all
Got to do a ceiling on my own. My biggest so far about 23m (dont laugh)
Will be on me todd doin me own mixing etc so stretching myself on this one. If i lose the ceiling it doenst make any odds as its in a property i own and let out and old tenant has moved out. So not training on poor members of the public ;D
Gonna try a rolling gauge but i was wondering what you all do if you know you are losing a big ceiling. Do you just walk away and pva and reskim next day or do you try and fix half the ceiling and then do the rest the following day and try to feather in? Or dare i mention the sponge float :
Got to do a ceiling on my own. My biggest so far about 23m (dont laugh)
Will be on me todd doin me own mixing etc so stretching myself on this one. If i lose the ceiling it doenst make any odds as its in a property i own and let out and old tenant has moved out. So not training on poor members of the public ;D
Gonna try a rolling gauge but i was wondering what you all do if you know you are losing a big ceiling. Do you just walk away and pva and reskim next day or do you try and fix half the ceiling and then do the rest the following day and try to feather in? Or dare i mention the sponge float :