Just after some advice on Getting cscs card. Do you have to be self employed to get the on site assessment? And how many site visits does it take? Just think it will be a bit hard on a private job with the customer. Do they assess you on just dot dab and skimming?
Probably you forgot steel toe caps!! Just in case you drop your trowel andit takes your foot off!:RpS_lol:Sorted got the assessment. Do you have to wear high viz and hard hat when they come. Its a private job lol
assessment can be on sites or private jobs
start to gather some evidence of work (photos, statements from clients, past or present employers etc)
you must work safely using correct equipment and PPE as required even on a private job
3 visits from an assessor is about the norm
you will be expected to answer some verbal job knowledge questions
you can pick the units which suit you best (dot+dab,plaster boarding , floor screeding, external rendering, internal float and set, etc)
you need to pass your CSCS / CITB health and safety test (you can do this before your assessments start)
a good assessment centre will guide you through the process
a good assessor will soon be able to make a judgment of your competence (they will not stand there all morning watching 1 gauge)
hope this helps
a monkey could pass the H&S test, there are thousands of monkeys on sites with blue, green, red, gold, black, yellow CSCS / CPCS cards. and you would not pay some of them in buttonsSorry forgot to add this?
UK construction sites see rise in deaths - FT.com
H&s making things better ? Lol
a monkey could pass the H&S test, there are thousands of monkeys on sites with blue, green, red, gold, black, yellow CSCS / CPCS cards. and you would not pay some of them in buttons
But if you need a card then you have to jump through the hoops with the rest of the circus acts!
good trades people are always in work and get paid well, the others scratch about for work like chickens and get paid chicken feed, but sometimes you need the bit of plastic.
stay safe