Board pickups on hipped vaulted roof

richard pitman

New Member
currently celotexing an oak ridged hipped roof. Got to thinking how the hell am I going to plaster board this thing!?

I can run the boards up the rafters into the hip but when the rafter runs out it will be largely unsupported. I've run a few battens up where I can but is there a rule of thumb for unsupported sections?

I appriecate its hard to say without seeing. Anyone got any tips or it is just trial and error once I get to the boarding stage.

Should mention as well its 6.2m up in the air so on a very high tower!
it sounds like you need to add some noggins to support the plasterboard.
plasterboard should span the rafter ,not go along the rafter. the strength of the board is the bonded edge.