Boris out hmmm

So what's really going on
Look up Bill gates and his plans to vaccinate 7 billion people. He’s a major funder to the WHO and lots of organisations around the world with his foundations. The imperial college of London being just one! The guys a despot. This is all about money and power. Not about health.
Ok mate.

Coz yeah its every prime ministers dream to enforce a lockdown and cost there own countrys economy billions!
Boris and his cabinet haven’t got a clue what’s happening. They’re all infighting at Westminster! Maybe that’s why he’s shut away? Maybe he’s been shut away as he didn’t want a lockdown? Loads of flaws in this giant mess of a government
Look up Bill gates and his plans to vaccinate 7 billion people. He’s a major funder to the WHO and lots of organisations around the world with his foundations. The imperial college of London being just one! The guys a despot. This is all about money and power. Not about health.

Old Billy boy must be about 65 years old
he will need another 6500000 years to live to vaccinate 7 billion people.
All these evil f**k**s like Gates have more than enough money. It’s power they want. Gates is a major funder of WHO that’s maybe why Trump has withdrawn financially from them? He has also launched an investigation into them. Giving everybody a real insight to Gates’ intentions.
Why single out 2 nurses and name them? Foreigners at that!! The Queen always be seen is to be believed. Obviously her PM doesn’t agree that
You do realise that nearly a 3rd of nhs workers are ‘foreign’ as you put it, so the chances of him being treated by foreign staff we’re always pretty good to start with.
There might be truth in this chipping as before lock down I was talking to a woman in pub . She was a bit drunk but said what ever you do dont get chipped. Cant remember her name now summet Connors......I know she was waiting for her son john
Poor b*****d . Saw sam jackson telling every one to stay the f**k at home. He should try it in a e bed terrace

stay at home watching samuel Jackson films :)
thinking about turning the internet off here....
kids phones laptops computers playstations
are getting annoying
every room fuucking tik tok
Can you sort me out with what ever your smoking, your a loon.

Never smoked anything in my life. Because you don’t agree with me doesn’t make me a loon. But I’d guess your not the sharpest tool in the box.
Boris out hmmm