British Gypsum: Bag Update

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Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

We wanted to let you know that the team looking at the plaster bags have identified some key areas of improvement and we're in the process of making the required changes at the moment. We hope that these improvements will filter into the market within the next 2 months.

We'll be also be testing some new plastic packaging on the new Thistle Magnetic Plaster and, in the next couple of months, we'll be looking for volunteers to test some other new options, so we would like to hear from you if you want to take part in these tests.

If you're interested, please send us a private message with your name and email for now, and we'll give you another update when the bags/products are ready for testing.

Thanks again for your feedback.
I've identified some key areas where improvements could be made to your bags, stop making them out of tissue paper and stop glueing the bags together, hope this helps.
Its was a nightmare getting the bags off the pallet this morning without splitting them............seems like too much glue on the bottom cos normally when you twist the bags you only get the odd one splitting but this was everyone today..............:RpS_cursing: @BritishGypsum
It's funny really I can't remember the last time I split a paper bag of cement, they are just so much more robust.
so much multi must get wasted a year thru **** bags
dont matter were go to buy it always at least 5 bags split right open that everyones avoided picking up all day
Why waste money on improving bags?bags are fine board finish is the best ! Just love using it cant stand the multi maybe a quick set finish say 30 mins board finish id marry it!and yes I know the old trick leave a old bag in the van but it usually smashed to bits time you dig it out.
About chuffing time they did something,although not so ruff on your arse nowdays if you get caught short :RpS_crying:
Hi everyone,

We wanted to let you know that the team looking at the plaster bags have identified some key areas of improvement and we're in the process of making the required changes at the moment. We hope that these improvements will filter into the market within the next 2 months.

We'll be also be testing some new plastic packaging on the new Thistle Magnetic Plaster and, in the next couple of months, we'll be looking for volunteers to test some other new options, so we would like to hear from you if you want to take part in these tests.

If you're interested, please send us a private message with your name and email for now, and we'll give you another update when the bags/products are ready for testing.

Thanks again for your feedback.

Are the team on a bonus for fast tracking this crisis & notifying us after just 9 months of changes to come in the future?

Have the teams forensic department performed an autopsy on Knauf's products & noted that the corners are tightly shut, so that when I grab half a dozen bags en-route to the birds house, I don't arrive like a Homepride man.

In excited anticipation of being able to transport & handle the product I spend many £1000s on each year without fear of it spewing it's guts all over some poor souls carpet, may I offer you my arse to be gang raped by you and the team, over & over again until it's like the monkey I saw on a David Attenburgh wildlife show.
that looks like spam but youve actually done as much towards making the bg bags stronger as they have.
Hi everyone,

We wanted to let you know that the team looking at the plaster bags have identified some key areas of improvement and we're in the process of making the required changes at the moment. We hope that these improvements will filter into the market within the next 2 months.

We'll be also be testing some new plastic packaging on the new Thistle Magnetic Plaster and, in the next couple of months, we'll be looking for volunteers to test some other new options, so we would like to hear from you if you want to take part in these tests.

If you're interested, please send us a private message with your name and email for now, and we'll give you another update when the bags/products are ready for testing.

Thanks again for your feedback.

Would love to test any new products.
Dean Procter [email protected]
Just done a job where the customer supplied, Multi left outside on a pallet which was poorly wrapped by the merchants. Pissed it down and all the bags got wet through... The plastic liner helped a bit but there was still lots of bits in it. Why don't @BritishGypsum put plaster in plastic bags like you get cement in nowadays? Strong enough not to rip and sealed so they stay fresh and don't get pissing wet through. Biodegradable to be kind to the environment as well :RpS_thumbup:
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I prefer the old bags @BritishGypsum , so much easier to open and a lot lighter by the time you get to the top of the stairs. Any chance of using the old design ?
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Just done a job where the customer supplied, Multi left outside on a pallet which was poorly wrapped by the merchants. Pissed it down and all the bags got wet through... The plastic liner helped a bit but there was still lots of bits in it. Why don't @BritishGypsum put plaster in plastic bags like you get cement in nowadays? Strong enough not to rip and sealed so they stay fresh and don't get pissing wet through. Biodegradable to be kind to the environment as well :RpS_thumbup:

I can answer this one :-)

If you put it in plasticnthen the merchants may start to think they can store it oitside and then it will be open to the elements which is not a great idea... also the way bg fill their bags they need to have small holes in them to let the air out and the powder in which would be a sure fire waynof letting moisture in :-(

To make the jump to plastic would need to be done after lost of tests and also I think there would be a green factor as well but I am sure @BritishGypsum will be along to fill in the gaps or just tell everyone I am wrong :-)
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I can answer this one :-)

If you put it in plasticnthen the merchants may start to think they can store it oitside and then it will be open to the elements which is not a great idea... also the way bg fill their bags they need to have small holes in them to let the air out and the powder in which would be a sure fire waynof letting moisture in :-(

To make the jump to plastic would need to be done after lost of tests and also I think there would be a green factor as well but I am sure @BritishGypsum will be along to fill in the gaps or just tell everyone I am wrong :-)

Well, something to work on I guess.. IIRC cement bags are biodegradable so the green factor is accounted for. Also how do they fill the cement bags? Same problem, no? Anyway cheers for the answer @Danny :RpS_thumbup:
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Well, something to work on I guess.. IIRC cement bags are biodegradable so the green factor is accounted for. Also how do they fill the cement bags? Same problem, no? Anyway cheers for the answer @Danny :RpS_thumbup:

There are different ways to fill bags and depends on machinery... I am pretty sure @scottie5 was there when they explained it all.... I know that magnet comes in plastic bags butvthen who would store that ouside :-)

On a side note I have nearly gone through a whole pallet of mf and not had one bag split so that is handy :-) @Marshy @puddove and numerous others that have been can answer that I hope :-/
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I've never had much problems with the bags to be fair apart from odd few from time to time. @BritishGypsum run a slick outfit and its a great place to visit. We got spoilt rotten when we went but they do listen and take your advice on board. They even have a site asking plasterers how to help them develop new stuff!
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Well at least they have a plastic liner, years ago we'd have come to work to find solid bags of plaster. The outer paper just fell off.
True enough I guess some 'special' people would store them outside - our customer has left the cement outside uncovered and remarked on how good it'd be if you could do the same with plaster.
I had a neighbour last week leave a pallet of board and abot 12 bags of finish out in the rain...I knocked and pointed out but they were not bothered by it.... boards were drenched... butbthey were under plastic so they thought it would be ok.... lol

Well worth a trip to bg if you get the time when we do the next one :-)
Rhys defo go to the BG tour if you can. Get treated like royalty and you will never look at a bag of plaster in the same way afterward :RpS_biggrin:
When we were working for Escrick Park Estates doing the Menagerie (offices) we got a delivery after everyone had gone. No one signed for it as no one was there. Think the driver was a lazy tw@ who didn't want to come back out again..

2 full pallets of boards and 2 pallets of plaster left uncovered and guess what.. The biggest thunderstorm we've seen in a long time happened right overhead (in fact a telegraph pole nearby got melted by lightning that night) and the next day I got zapped while using Kingspan.. that was fun if not tingly :RpS_laugh:

All the plaster was utterly destroyed and I guess the delivery driver got an earful off his gaffer..
I'd love to go, my mate has been to the plasterboard site and said it was very good. A mile long conveyor culminating in a water jet to cut the boards and forklifts going like crazy to take the boards away. :RpS_thumbup:
I'd love to go, my mate has been to the plasterboard site and said it was very good. A mile long conveyor culminating in a water jet to cut the boards and forklifts going like crazy to take the boards away. :RpS_thumbup:

Yep thatbis bonkers I have seen a similiar set up its just bizzare :-)

I will see if bg can squeezevus in another trip and will also ask knauf :-)
At Loughborough the pallets of plaster etc are stacked and run by a computer operated giant crane/forklift system that is a brilliant piece of engineering.
Plastic bags are ****, I swear lafarge sometimes put mastercrete in the bags warm it condensates and goes solid. Don't think there is anything wrong with BG bags. Certain merchants don't give a **** how its stored though and leave it in the damp
I had a pallet of board finish delivered a month ago & 41 of the 56 ripped when lifted. Now bearing in mind the 7 at the bottom aren't glued, this is a poor show!
Anyhow, since then I have been collecting from the merchants and have not experienced any problems .. infact even the blokes working there have commented on the lack of tearing.
Same crap bags, just not glued on!
Could this be the fruits of 18 months of hard work by the dedicated team?

I have said it before and I will say it again;
There was no problem years ago, you could drop 50kg bags from shoulder height without them bursting.
It's just BG using the cheapest nastiest bit of tat they can lay there hands & don't give a monkeys about the end user.

.... anyway I'll leave it at that before I get abusive again! :RpS_blushing:
I blame the merchants who do not store the product correctly !! I've never had a problem but shudder at some of the members photos they have posted regard the bag quality! :-0
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