can u identify this finish?

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hmmm... thats gonna be like explaining the bugatti veyron to a native aborigine i expect... no offence intended of course ;D
i'll have a bash though...
finish plaster - board finish or multi finish, theyre both very similar, made of the same stuff with slightly different additives, board finish being made for low suction backgrounds e.g. plasterboard and multi being for medium suction backgrounds e.g. overskimming old plasterwork...
finish is made from crushed and heated gypsum rock, gypsum contains water which is taken out when its crushed and heated, forming a dry fine powder... (you prolly know all this, not trying to patronise anyone here)
when mixed with water, the powder forms a slurry/paste and starts to 'set' giving off heat as it does (not a lot but its there) so the origional process is reversed and what you end up with is a hard, solid substance...
german plasters tend to be white in colour as they are 99.9 percent pure gypsum (knauf brand etc) wheras british plaster tends to be pink in colour as it has clay as an impurity (due to the geological conditions where the gypsum is mined)
anyway, application wise, once mixed, finish plaster has a 'setting' time of roughly 1.5 hours, which is the time it takes to go from wet pink, to dark brown (set) on the wall... once its 'set' you cant do anything with it except maybe polish it with the edge of the trowel...
from mixing to that point is where you get it on the wall and multiple 'passes' with the trowel will get it flatter and smoother each time... it dries from the back so if you start off with a 3mm thickness, 2nd time you trowel it youre only trowelling 2.5mm and so on till the final trowel is only moving about the topmost 0.1mm to get the imperfections out...
finish plastering is 2 coat work generally, the first coat (suction coat) will start to 'pull in' to the wall almost immediately and is simply levelled off with the trowel once applied, no attention to finish is given at this point...
the wall is then coated again (better wuith a fresh mix), about half the origional application thickness... this will take out the rest of the undulations, not pull in so quick and allow you to finish the job perfectly...
sprinkling water on the surface will 'wet it back up' again allowing you to remove any imperfections you missed but not advised as this generates 'fat' which is further watered down plaster and though it will fill the imperfections, it shrinks more than the origional mix...
some small amount of water is ok, just not large amounts...
1 coat plaster is designed (obviously) to go on in 1 thick coat (usually including the 'backing coat') not really used on board as the board IS the backing...
the idea with it is to rule it flat then use a wet sponge to bring the 'fat' to the surface all over and it is this 'fat' that is trowelled up to a smooth finish..
hope that helps... anyone else care for a bash?? :-[
anyway church, id like to see your description of 'render'... :D
me being of the 'sand, cement, waterproofer, mix it and getitonthef;ckinwall' variety :-[
Ok then bigsegs
I had to read that a few times but I think I got it. And thank you for the extra effort. I will start the search for the material as soon as I can.

Some one earlier asked me if plasterers were extremely hard to find. Well I have been doing this for 20 years and have never actually met a real "plaster" plasterer face to face. I have only heard stories of guys that knew how to mix their own "render" with lime and other goodies. When I fisrt started out in business I had an old home that needed plaster repair and a plasterer could get 10 times what a drywaller could earn. Drywallers are notorious for being drunks an crack heads. Around here an average guy should be able to hang 40 to 60 board a day. My best guy could hang 100 board (4x12) in a day. He was unbelievable. But he recently had a liver fail due to drug use. So much for being SuperMan huh? I am sure that we do things different here in the US. So I admit that I am ignorant in the plaster trade but I am sure that I could run circles in the dry wall trade.
I have always looked for plastering classes but have always been told that plastering is a dying trade and good luck finding someone. I wanted to pick up the trade because I know I could earn 50 to 75 dollars an hour. So....I am still wanting and looking to this day.

I also read a post on the topic of trucks that people use. I had to laugh when I saw people posting that the trucks they use could barely hold a full board(4x8). I guess you lads would call my truck a "lorry". And yes I had to look that up in the dictionary. I havent figured out what blote means yet.

Oh, "stucco" is a term they use around here to discribe a rough texure (usually only acheived by a trowel) with a profile of about 10 to 20 mm. The finish can be really of any type of material just as long as it resembles something of a Spanish influence.
I think you will find the finish is known as flogging the wall. I've done some of those jobs here in OZ, me old mate shown me how to do it sometime ago.
hi mate have worked alot in states and i have to say that you would be better using blue board instead of drywall boards these take a plaster skim coat you will get a better texture finish with plaster because it will lay on thicker than joint compoundand wont crack if youve already gone the drywall way you can achieve the effect with some of the powdered compound that set in 45 mins i have contacts in usa for good plasterers if you need numbers
the look you are talkin about is from the time when boards were not used for internal walls, you want sand and cement, troweled on consistently and but not perfect then use a spong to float it off. this is what they are basing it on. I have not heard of a modern product that can recreate this effect? What the client should realise is that the walls back then were solid normally built from natural stone and were just built up for thickness and strength, not to be straight or plumb and the lime sand render just followed the wall
warriorupnorth said:
I this what he's lookin for
only been away a couple of hours and look at this thread already , Big segs you need to get out a bit mate i think you goin stir crazy dude
warrior... thou art a fat b*****d of unmentionable description..
ive been out all afternoon.. listened to descriptions of myself that come from the missus mother(who is an unmentionable chavvy b'tch), got home, am still suffering from the worlds worst (headache that goes roight down through your neck) hangover..
and youre tellin me i should stay in more........
by god my head hurtrs...
and her family are cnuts..
proper cnuts..i even employed the b'tch once to help em out the shite..
and before you all ge the wrong idea, im the sort of bloke that would give you the shirt off me back if you needed it more than me..
god what a f'ckin day...
and itsw not like ive got shitloads of cash at the mo either..
I'm jealous to f**k buddy have't had an hangover for ages , might have one monday though goin out to watch rugby on sunday so may well be drownin my sorrows, as if life weren't depressin enough at minute
jealous ;D ;D
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