can you help with my project?

The introduction of fibre tape was the death of scaffolding out rooms to skim ceiling because you no longer needed to cut scrims and butter joints when you can do it all off a hop up before you even opened a bag.
That's a good point... like that

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Hi I got plasterer in career guidance at school and I need to do a five hundred word essay on what its like to be a plasterer today and whether its changed from in the past i.e tools that I would use etc. Also are there any plastering heros or well known figures that changed plastering etc? Are there any pages like that on here that I could just reword etc? Thank You
ricky tomlison from the royal family /henry cooper the boxer / and me
What he went through to make it as a ski jumper is off the head, some footage of plastering activity in the film too, pretty funny really. Be interesting to see how he approaches plastering, probably s**t hot, such self belief.
Thought he was a very committed Individual...he was treated like a joke by the media but what he achieved from where he started was inspired