so , approx. 3 weeks ago after to many pints of real ale , I put my reading glasses down somewhere in the house along with my wallet which has got 55.00 quid in, and can I find them,,,,,, no I can not, I have looked everywhere no idea at all no recollection at all, I have looked in places round the house I just know I have not been, still cant find them, the wifes giving me grief thinks I am losing the plot, as this comes on top of a bad chest infection I had / 3 nights I had in total approx. 6 hours sleep, started seeing a penguin in the house and a flamingo across the road, talking to myself, and now my glasses, and today my flask top was not put on right so passenger seat in van is soaking think I will go and count my collection of handboards , that will cheer me up ,and then a lie down in a dark room