Cheap Mixer

May get you out of trouble
Cheap Mixer
I.m after summer like this just for little half bag jobs rather then dragging tranni and mm. Or kight just get a 240 mega mixer
I got a cheap 1 from tool station last year it’s been a beast
Buy cheap buy twice , nothing much good coming out of china at the mo ......... lol
Most stuff come
Probably won't last long, but the crazy thing is that it has a 3 yr warranty, so it's still maybe worth a punt, as a standby (230v) unit.

View attachment 53418
Wher that.. Bought a cheap one about a year a go fo 30 pound still going might as well by a nother cheap one 3 year warranty can't go wrong..
I dont like the newer ones . Seem heavier. Or are 240 one heavier then 110
Yes but the new ones have a better trigger set up,than the older ones. The only issue with older ones is the trigger some times playing up with dust getting in and the like.