Thanks for the info. I was looking at it this afternoon. Had gone and got some pipe connectors etc this morning after the job and was looking at it all and thinking ffs. But sometimes you just don't see the wood for the trees. Just had it in my mind that it was going to be filled to a metre. But then it was like a Eureka moment. I can just fill to 550 which is just below the lowest pipe and then just do two course of blockwork from there upward, using lintels to bridge the pipes etc. Just was fixed on the whole metre getting filled when it didnt need to be. Not sure if thats what you meant Imago ...? Been reading about mindfulness lately and i think its worked in this situation. You just have to be there, in the moment, instead of in your head. Just looked at it afresh like i'd never seen it before. Made up. Saved me loads of extra work messing about. Had this a few weeks back on a job when I was a bit stressed out. Went home, went back the next day, went about differently and it went like a dream. Sometimes you have to step back and kind of look down at yourself with a birds eye view.