Never liked sika ,like you say it doesn't plastercise the mix at all, its like pushing asphalt on the wall,I use a waterproofer called tri- mix ,makes a lovely drop of gear.
Used silka concentrated Waterproofer today and it's total dog ****!! Avoid unless you like dead mixes !!
Yes You've got it Carlos, av u used it?Triton chemicals???
I'm not and I still buy it , in fact got 25 lts bout 3 weeks ago for £52 + 10 deliv, between me and youYes mate good stuff. But you can't by triton stuff unless your approved contractor. So it's not much help to the OP.
Don't like or use mastercrete john , I like brown bag opc,otherwise there's to many plastercisers going on,what with the added one in the cement and the one that the plasterer will add,weakens the mix imo,but that's just me:rolleyes)I always use sika ,you need decent sand with it,there is plastiser in the cement anyway I think
I agree..Don't like or use mastercrete john , I like brown bag opc,otherwise there's to many plastercisers going on,what with the added one in the cement and the one that the plasterer will add,weakens the mix imo,but that's just me:rolleyes)