Concerned about damp proofing job just completed

In honesty I really can't be f**k**g arsed only came on as got a notification. Things not good in Marshy world at the mo gotvfuck all to milfs either

Doesn't sound good mate, hope its sortable? If you need a random to vent to, just inbox x
Do you night fish in the winter Andy? The one bit I couldn't get into I'm always done October to march
Damp patches should be approached with caution. Make sure you know what you’re doing or you’ll be wasting everyone’s time. There are a few methods for how to treat damp patches but whatever you go with make sure you take your time and carry out the job thoroughly . Remember prep is 90% of the job! Hope that helps any novices and refreshes any old hands!


On second thoughts, never mind.
sand cement render takes 7 to 28 days to cure, until it has cured then its not damp proof or salt resistant so yes you can get a lot of surface staining, once it has cured brush it off and wipe down the walls to remove the salt using a damp rag, if it keeps coming back after 28 days then that may indicate a localist defects, or that too much salt came through before the render set, but that why we use salt inhibitors applied to the wall before tanking .
Salts are quite common. Wipe off with a soft brush , paint some watered down salt neutraliser onto affected areas , repeat if necessary. Eventually wall should dry out but Sika1 walls prone to cracking like all sand and cement. That's why I don't tank basements anymore , well that and my hands shaking lol
Salts are quite common. Wipe off with a soft brush , paint some watered down salt neutraliser onto affected areas , repeat if necessary. Eventually wall should dry out but Sika1 walls prone to cracking like all sand and cement. That's why I don't tank basements anymore , well that and my hands shaking lol
How are you doing love?