Contract managers

Andy g

Well-Known Member
Y are contract managers on sites allways 8 feet tall . When they come into my plot allways flick plaster on the backs when they walk out of plot ( the c**ts)
Very good at colouring in are contract managers, I complemented on it in a meeting once and the firm owed me a lot of money at the time, about two years later I had to go to his office to rare up about a retention payment, put my hand out to shake hands , he did the same and we walked to the chairmans office eventually where I finally let go of his hand and swapped to the chairmans, left with a cheque in those days but a funny experience, I did tell them I'm a plastering contractor not a gangster but I'm willing to learn.
There were no parking spaces at the office so I parked in front of double electric doors with a sensor, so they twitched a lot, proper f**k**g wanted my money, he had been cheeky to my Mrs on the phone and she is a very polite person. Told myself, no more work for big firms and stick to it.