Court proceedings

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Right lads, I've had a construction company owe me just under£3000 now for 12 months. I've phoned/ emailed them asking for the money but still no outcome. I'm gonna take to court to try and get me money off em, I've been told to add interest onto the amount they owe me but not sure if there's a set interest rate you charge them. Has any of you ever been to court to get the money owed to u??
look through previous posts,
i know barry posted a good post about it a while ago, as i was going to go down the same route.
£3000 would defo be worth going for, think its just within limits for small claim. I'd send them a couple of recorded letters through a solicitor first. Or go round the company owners house and have a chat ;)
That's the problem, the company owners house is the house they owe me the money on. All 70 million quids worth ov him.
yeah i do heafy, they buy the debt from you, for a fee. Covered mainly by the interest they owe you. I'd write to them first and tell them this is what youre going to do. Stick 'Debt factoring' into your search engine an see who's about near you. Failing that i know some big fellas.......
fair one, Best ive seen is a brickie knocking down his work after he was told he wasnt getting his money. Fair play to the bloke though. Im strict with how i pay subbies. I snag as we go, then when theyre done and we are both happy i pay em. Fair money for good work. That means they will work for me again, my clients and myslef are happy and theyre happy. I find it works better that way. But then i dont start work until ive got deposit for all materials and then i have the client release money in stages as we go, or we dont go! Simpler that way and it keeps things like whats happened to heafy to a minimum, but then some of the big boys like skanska etc always make sure they have the small guy by the balls contractually to their terms etc. Personally i feel there needs to be more in law to protect the small business, after all we small businesses employ more of a % of the opulation than any other sector. Sadly i reckon it'll be a ling way off before it happens.
you can charge a certain percentage on top of the bank of england base rate - so base rate plus (i think 8%) but its a while so caant remember exactly, deffo get a claim in the courts get him in front of a judge once you get a clear definate on the fact he owes you it will be easier to start turning the screw on him.

Is the amount owed in dispute? this could cause a problem
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