fair one, Best ive seen is a brickie knocking down his work after he was told he wasnt getting his money. Fair play to the bloke though. Im strict with how i pay subbies. I snag as we go, then when theyre done and we are both happy i pay em. Fair money for good work. That means they will work for me again, my clients and myslef are happy and theyre happy. I find it works better that way. But then i dont start work until ive got deposit for all materials and then i have the client release money in stages as we go, or we dont go! Simpler that way and it keeps things like whats happened to heafy to a minimum, but then some of the big boys like skanska etc always make sure they have the small guy by the balls contractually to their terms etc. Personally i feel there needs to be more in law to protect the small business, after all we small businesses employ more of a % of the opulation than any other sector. Sadly i reckon it'll be a ling way off before it happens.