sadly yes, but hey, someone has's just a bit random me on here at this time but I just wanted folks to know that sometimes when you put things out there, there are things that happen. This was my ex business partner who put it out there that she wanted me to be hit by a bus and my poor 16 year old, just before he was 17 saw this and said how can you be hit by a bus cos you day before he was 17 was hit by a bus and died as a not wish things cos they may come true, and the result of this is my son dies, just over a year ago as Karma was sent to us....random, and I do not need sympathy or sarky remarks from some, but please boy was a great son, my baby, he has sisters and a baby nephew and niece......I an not a loonball, just a mother grieving the loss of her baby.........and the Karma was sent