Covering scrim

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john simpson

Well-Known Member
Quick one-
When i tape a ceiling i tend to cover all the joints with skim before i start the actual ceiling , dont mix a bucket for it , just 1st few scoops used to coat the scrim.
Is this necessary?
Reckon i do it as i was taught that with the old cotton scrim
Maybe i could save 10 mins :)
Only ever did that using hessian or cotton and was that long ago i was using fake ID in the pub lol dont think its necessary with fiba tape mate
We've always filled out scrims before skimming, force of habit more than anything else but some of the board work we follow is shocking. Nothing worse than seeing a scrim peak through when finished so the extra fill out does help in some cases.
Yes definitely better job.

Has lads do it the other way and just end up weaker jobs and often see the joints even after painting. As far I see it not doing it is cutting corners!
I was taught with cotton and hessian scrim. Sticky back not as good but does save time. If it doesnt fall off behind you. Always lay over scrim and beads as i go. out of habbit but think it helps
Why do we get bloody smothered with tapered edge boards?
They are just for taping aren't they??
Sent out as standard everywhere now, no need
Possibly, but then the board is weaker as its thinner?
The end joints must be the weaker ones anyway as they are not bound edges
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