CPD Oils

Just to push the point the UK exports tonnes of cannabis, the money made is staggering. All that money goes into the pockets of multinational companies and hedge fund types . There's no way such well connected people are going let that get diluted in the shape of legalization. If it gets approved to be used in medical situations they'll ask a high price.

Cannabis gets grown round here quite a lot because we have the most sunshine in the UK :D BUt it is missing the addictive bit so is literally just the healthy part growing :D
Cannabis is growing all over the country from huge poly tunnels in Oxford and other places for medicinal and research into treatments that they now know works for sure, to fields of it growing wild even in the north of England.
They can't stop it for long now the genie is out of the bottle even though they've legalised the low thc cbd which is good and distracts away from the stronger thc oil which cures serious illnesses. More n more people are becoming aware of it's effectiveness. And soon everyone that has or knows of family n friends with serious illness will be growing and making it themselves if theycant get it legally !

I heard some guys plant out a load of Bush in different locations off the beaten track and when ready thier happy if they find a quarter of them still there and thriving.
@Smudger1 you sound quite the conercer in this field. ;)

I've not smoked anything for about 14 years, but when I take an interest in something I try to study it and get as much info as possible to make an informed opinion on the subject. But the proof as they say is in the eating and for once this stuff works for me so I'm convinced the stronger stuff has worked for the many folks that were so happy with the oil that they put themselves out there to try and help others to Give it a go.
Its natural, organic, better suited to our bodies than anything big pharms dish out with no reported side effects. So,Nothing ventured nothing gained.
Plus I have family with medical problems that after a long while getting them to research it for themselves have at last given it a try, the pain relief has kicked in after a few days and there is evidence just by seeing how they move compared to not long ago that it's working for them. The hard part will be convincing them to use the proper undiluted thc oil if they deteriorate in the future.
I've not smoked anything for about 14 years, but when I take an interest in something I try to study it and get as much info as possible to make an informed opinion on the subject. But the proof as they say is in the eating and for once this stuff works for me so I'm convinced the stronger stuff has worked for the many folks that were so happy with the oil that they put themselves out there to try and help others to Give it a go.
Its natural, organic, better suited to our bodies than anything big pharms dish out with no reported side effects. So,Nothing ventured nothing gained.
Plus I have family with medical problems that after a long while getting them to research it for themselves have at last given it a try, the pain relief has kicked in after a few days and there is evidence just by seeing how they move compared to not long ago that it's working for them. The hard part will be convincing them to use the proper undiluted thc oil if they deteriorate in the future.
Absolutely agree with all of that

I was also reading about a girl who buys bud with 0.2 thc in it which is legal to smoke or use as anyone likes in the U.K. right now called White Russian I’ll try to find the link
CPD Oils
Absolutely agree with all of that

I was also reading about a girl who buys bud with 0.2 thc in it which is legal to smoke or use as anyone likes in the U.K. right now called White Russian I’ll try to find the link
There is a shop in london sells it @Vincey
You got a link to what you ordered mate?


It's a closed group on face book that gibbo told me about called cbd extracts. I can't find a web site for them so maybe thier only on there ?
Search name on there join group read then message them they will give you info you need. Hope it helps.
It's a closed group on face book that gibbo told me about called cbd extracts. I can't find a web site for them so maybe thier only on there ?
Search name on there join group read then message them they will give you info you need. Hope it helps.

Is it this one


  • CPD Oils
    122.1 KB · Views: 523
I was looking for a right marijuana strain that could help me with my chronic back pain. I'm suffering from it for almost 2 months now I just don't know if it's connected to my work since I'm sitting more or less 9 hours. I came a cross with this marijuana strain https://www.gyo.green/seedsman-sweet-tooth-auto-sds-swt-fa.html This is the first time that I would be taking medical marijuana I'm not sure if this would be effective with my back pain. Also is there any other way using it medically?
I was looking for a right marijuana strain that could help me with my chronic back pain. I'm suffering from it for almost 2 months now I just don't know if it's connected to my work since I'm sitting more or less 9 hours. I came a cross with this marijuana strain https://www.gyo.green/seedsman-sweet-tooth-auto-sds-swt-fa.html This is the first time that I would be taking medical marijuana I'm not sure if this would be effective with my back pain. Also is there any other way using it medically?
You could buy some edibles are you in uk or usa
At the start she says she already had the drugs from the dr that morning (which obviously do jack s**t) then has a good scoop of feco 15 minutes later sorted
I wouldn’t hesitate for one minute to get this for anyone I knew who was ill.

At the start she says she already had the drugs from the dr that morning (which obviously do jack s**t) then has a good scoop of feco 15 minutes later sorted
I wouldn’t hesitate for one minute to get this for anyone I knew who was ill.

My aunt was the same , doctors prescribed all sorts , after 10 years she decided to give it a go but medicinal wasn't around then so I used to post some to her , sorted it to some extent and she got used to being mildly stoned which was better than the pain and shakes , now gets it from a friend in USA , don't think its for everyone but worth a try , certainly changed her life for the better and was even able to return to work part time before retirement
Afternoon all. looking into getting some CBD oil as Mrs Beader is having some health problems at the moment and the conventional route does not seem to be working . I am also interested for myself just for general health and wellness . Could someone please suggest any sites or give links to the best places to get some . Many thanks . :)