Crazing in Skim coat - how to fix?

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New Member
Hi there,
Hope somebody can advise. I had a small room (2.5m x 2.5m)skimmed recently. Some areas were stripped back to hardwall and some down to paint as some of the original skim coat had blown.

Was skimmed on a pretty hot day with sun shining into the room. Now I have patches of crazing over many of the walls but most noticable where the walls were back to hardwall.

Some patches you can see the crazing pattern but it hasn't cracked, some parts have hairline cracks and some a bit depeer cracking. It's not too bad and I suspect a few coats of paint would hide the majority of the hairline cracks but I'm a bit worried as is it likely the cracking will get worse with time?

What should I ask the contractor to do to fix this? Would a rekim be the best course of action? Contractor is very helpful and says he will do whatever I want to fix it.

Any advice appreciated!
Yes they told me they pva'd it.
The patches that have crazed went off very quick - prob in 5-6 hours. My feeling was hot day coupled with high suction background.

Any thoughts on what I should do - does crazing get worse with time? do you think I should get it reskimmed over the top?
Scrim and reskim some guys on here have used large sheets if mesh like scrim on here but I'm sure some one will advise in due course in here..
Tell the plasterer you're going to give it an extra coat of paint after the mist coat and charge him for the paint and if it doesn't cover the cracks he will have to reskim it
It might cover them it might not they shouldn't get any worse
The first coat of paint will tell you , it maybe fine,tiny crazing once painted may vanish or the worse case possibly a re skim with embedded mesh, if a re skim get it pva,d properly, get a good grit pva,
if you have it reskimmed and theres alot of cracks to cover just ask the spread to put fibres through the first coat works a treat and cheaper than sheets of mesh
Some great advice thanks very much. On inspecting tonight I found that some of the crazing areas have blown. Have asked for all blown areas to be removed and then reskimmed. Might suggest fibres on reskim too.
Some great advice thanks very much. On inspecting tonight I found that some of the crazing areas have blown. Have asked for all blown areas to be removed and then reskimmed. Might suggest fibres on reskim too.
Ask for it all to be re skimmed, patchwork is terrible in my opinion
Will ask for blown areas to be removed and then a full reskim perhaps with fibres. Is there a particular product I should suggest for these mysterious fibres?
ahh ya git thats the link i was just about to post haha, there the ones we usually get
ahh ya git thats the link i was just about to post haha, there the ones we usually get
They are new to me jr but I am in love with the mesh over old walls now, I am also,now very interested in the fibres in the first coat reading your review of them, young guns can enlighten the old ones.
i like the mesh but ive never had any call backs on the fibres either and its a hell of a lot easier IMO just spin the water up take the whisk out and put a handfull or 2 in as the waters still spinning then just mix as normal
they work well on those walls that are cracked all over the place though spunky:RpS_thumbup:
Doubt it the existing skims probably settled and you're fresh cost of skim won't crack anyway, why do people use filler there's no fibres in it
i just use it because its easier than sitting there skrimming miles and miles of cracks, on those jobs where the builder has asked for it to be skrimmed it saves me alot of time and keeps them happy
Next time tell them you can bed scrim cloth into the wall to reinforce the whole wall charge them an extra 3 quid a metre and watch there face
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