Hahaha tis funny to read comments slating my post, I thought it would ruffle a few feathers after reading posts of people saying six bags was a gd days work. my post was of course for site work and on plasterboard, it is true but it wasnt that I was trying to brag, it was I just couldnt believe that soo many people would think that 5-6 bags was alot to do in a day or people saying that you should do 2 bags in a hit.
What you should do is what you can handle, a good plasterer is one that knows where his limits are and what he can handle. Learning this lesson helps you do a better job and the more you do the same amount whatever that is eventually you will get faster. Those moaning about my apparent brag are either jealous or embarrassed, I wasnt trying to piss anyone off but dont slate someone that can clearly handle more than you. When on site I worked hard and fast, always on my own knocking up, never had help. Float and set once i would get into my rhythm I could average 15-17 bags float and set on my own.
Back to skimming to achiever them said meters I would do 2 5 bag hits picking off the big areas(rooms that is) and then usually would do a third hit of around 2 bags picking off cupboards and small awkward areas. Right now i am usually doing more domestic work and the hint of too many hard days usually some site work my bad back would rear its ugly head or my neck or elbow problems and yet I am only 39.
On site I had met people that could do more than me also without the creme of tartar, so dont bitch bout me coz its true and yes people can do more than that, although I found that there standard of work couldnt come close to mine.