Curved or flat?

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Because you dont trowel up hardwall? Have you lost the plot lol what difference does it make in the laying on stages

Listen, I couldn't give a toss if people don't put on flat. It makes no difference to me or the finished wall like you say.

All I'm saying is that it isn't possible to do with a bent trowel, even you can get you head around that can't you?
Surprised that a trowel lasted thirty years, I used to wear a Marshall out in less then five,

Yeh, well I'm a lazy b*****d. :RpS_wink:
As I said before, I started up again in January after a LONG time of not doing this for a living. I have been using it now and then for family and friends just to keep my hand in so that's why it has lasted this long. It is very rounded on the corners and as I found out the other sharp as a bloody knife. Ouch.
Permashape might trowel flat once the gear's stiffened but they don't put it on flat. Haggis is right.

thanks , been in the game just over twenty years and dont know it all but i do know every young plasterer seems to be using these fookin banana trowels( permashape) their work looks good as long as its only their trowel thats been on the wall. ive employed a few and when troweling up after them with 18 inch steel its a fookin nightmare. sub standard trowels for substandard spreads is what i say :flapper:
Danny i use quite a bit of pressure when applying so it goes on flat with a perma, but like ya say it could be cos its well worn in.
i reckon if you can master laying on flat with a flat trowel your life will be alot easier , i cant imagine using a curved trowel and wonder why anyone would try . suppose it must be good if all these 4 week coarse plasterers are using them :razz:
thanks , been in the game just over twenty years and dont know it all but i do know every young plasterer seems to be using these fookin banana trowels( permashape) their work looks good as long as its only their trowel thats been on the wall. ive employed a few and when troweling up after them with 18 inch steel its a fookin nightmare. sub standard trowels for substandard spreads is what i say :flapper:
its probably because youre trowels bent all over the shop or you can't get the pressure one because it's too long
Perhaps I'm getting this debate wrong, but doesn't a straight trowel curve over time, well mine have over the last 36 years and some of them have gone the wrong way. Besides does it really matter as long as your work is up to scratch and your reputation is good and of course your bank balance grows.
Sorry but I have never misused my trowel, never let anyone lend any of them and the odd one went the wrong way so on this topic I will disagree with what your saying.
I've had loads go the wrong way which id why I use permashape, nothing to do with how you treat them its either shite metal or just the pressure of using heavy gear
Dave I've never had one go "the wrong way", is there one particular brand you've had this happen with? I've used mainly Marshalltown, Ragni and Tyzacks. Have I just been lucky, especially when you think most of my work over the years has been with S&C as a backing?
My dura flex flat trowel come throught the post yesterday looks good and is defo more flexible than my other permashape trowel
Had a single tang Tyzack go the wrong way once, took it back and got a refund - that was several years ago.. don't have much luck with Tyzacks do I :rolleyes)
Dave I've never had one go "the wrong way", is there one particular brand you've had this happen with? I've used mainly Marshalltown, Ragni and Tyzacks. Have I just been lucky, especially when you think most of my work over the years has been with S&C as a backing?

both really tyzacks have just become useless and I've had a marshaltown go kinky all along the blade
What a load of pony!! Even if you bought a FLAT trowel/float over time it will curve from pressure of applying gear and troweling up!!!
All they have done is helped it along with the permashape trowel saves time tiring to wear it in quick rub on a stone and your good to goo..
i did hear something once about burning in a trowel ??????????
Its an old school trick when you put you're trowel in a fire for 10 mins, all the rivets expand and the trowel retains a natural shape
I do it with steel trowels leaves them perfect
It doesn't matter what you use to put it on and get it flat, as long as you leave the job with a flat wall and a happy customer. If you can acheive that finish with the back of a brick trowel that's been in your van for 5 years getting nice and rusty, then good on you.
I used to use a plain steel till it broke in fuckinhalf, have always used a permashape and the laying-on /finish is no problem and full flat finish. U adapt to the sett.... Knew a french fella skimmed with a building trowel:RpS_scared: and the finish was perfect and flat. Kinnigget.
I have always used my new trowel for rendering and floating for about a year before I use it for skimming that's how the old fella taught me gets in worn in naturally to your own feel. Plus I'm a lefty so no good using any other buggers trowel...
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