Danny is the Chuck Norris of plastering


Active Member
I heard Danny once walked in the front door of a 4 bedroom house came out 2 minutes later and the house was skimmed out.
I heard there were complications during delivery due to Danny's baby's tool belt.

PS: dunno what this is all about but thought I'd get involved :)

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Danny looks like this when he takes off his Mr Cutts mask
Danny is the Chuck Norris of plastering
Danny uses Jedi mind tricks to get customers to pay immediately and that he's done a good job without a trowelful being applied
That makes sense because I went to the records office and Danny doesn't have a birth certificate...

Are we all in Danny's Matrix?!

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Danny's actual real voice is that of Homer Simpson and uses a clever voice box to disguise it when out and about
I don't really know what this thread is about, but I like it.
It's about Danny f**k**g our heads up big time using magic and mystery to cause it along with a rampant rabbit attached on the end of his hardly used if ever in fact mixing drill
I was taught on the plastering course that when your plaster suddenly starts going off really quickly for no apparent reason it's because Danny is having a s**t fit somewhere.

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All this Chuck Norris s**t f**k me grow up you pathetic people!!! You should be ashamed!!! There's no comparison to Lou Ferigno who played the Hulk in the early 80's and don't get me started on Linda Carter who played Wonder Woman she is the ultimate milf or gilf
All this Chuck Norris s**t f**k me grow up you pathetic people!!! You should be ashamed!!! There's no comparison to Lou Ferigno who played the Hulk in the early 80's and don't get me started on Linda Carter who played Wonder Woman she is the ultimate milf or gilf
Linda Carter, dipped in chocolate, wrestling with Mary j bilge, with Anastasia refereeing.......

I think I might be a lesbian.........
@fixit - don't send your address, Danny has been in everyone's home, he teleports himself there, he was in mine last week and left a turd in the loo without flushing...it must have been this mystical being....the wife & kids denied doing it.