I just had a Stucco addition job that I looked at for a contractor I worked for many years with, although I haven't done anything for him the last two years. He had me come out and look then he sent me a set of plans in pdf. They weren't scaling very nicely so and there had been a few revisions so I went out and looked again and took physical measurements. Seemed like a typical job. Got all the footages figured out and was most of the way through the bid, then he sends me a set of specs, which I should have had from him all along. Normally all the trim would be galvanized steel, the specs called for all zinc trims and all the corners have to be stripped out instead of beaded. They don't make zinc arch aid here so I'd have to build templates for all the arches. They wanted a fiberglass drainage mat under the metal lath @ $500.00 a roll. They had weather restrictions where if the temp falls below 45 degrees F can't apply materials if the temp goes over 74 degrees F can't apply materials, if theres going to be rain in the forecast can't apply material, each coat has to be covered with visqueen for 24 hrs after application, can't apply materials if the wind will exceed a certain velocity for that day and the job is right above a lake and it always windy there. And they wanted a smooth finish on the stucco. So I went back to the drawing board with my bid and refigured everything again, about 2.5 times my normal costs with all the stipulations from the architect. I was freaking out thinking I'd probably lose my ass on the job, but I was trying to get it at the same time, if I was lucky I figured all I could hope for was to make my wages. Sent in the bid and they came back with how ******* over priced I was on the damn thing. I hope they all lose their asses on it !!!! I thought about getting ahold of the owner and offering myself up as a representative for a few bucks just to make sure he was getting everything the architect specified.