Ryan, Ian isn't arguing that the Ritmo is a better tool than the diesel! Nor is he trying to flog him a ritmo.
The fact is bobby has a ritmo at present which CAN be used for what he is asking, and your telling him he needs diesel (which incidentally would chomp into his profits by 20K at a guess).
As for saying its more labour intensive, you keep pushing pre blend, which with his ritmo you just dump the bags in and go, with a diesel you have to have a guy stood there batching! So in that respect using a ritmo with site mix ain't much more work than using the diesel anyway.
As for pre blend having its pros, on a small job yes granted. Have you done much rendering yourself with Sand and Cement? Because I can tell you when you start using a pre blend sand and cement over site mix your looking at another 100% in material cost!! Which can be upto another £100 per day! It would make more sense to have a extra set of hands for that money, who is then productive throughout the whole day rather than the convenience of blended for the short time your spraying.
Not having a go just saying like.