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Active Member
hi fellas does anyone know a quick and easy way to get rid of distemper ,just got to price a full house to re skim and almost every wall is covered with that dusty flaky paint .
Quick way no, you can use steamers and sharp scrapers, you can pva and then scrape, each way will take as long as the plastering would of had, the steamers can cause the plaster to blow also. It is a horrible job, get in a few hard working labs..
Just done a flat which had peeling paint and distemper, it took seven days in stead of 4 been the max time, also it had crazing throughout so we embedded the render mesh in the skim, the customer swallowed the cost, but its horrible horrible thankless work, very repetitive, hard on your bones and muscles. You would need to cost almost double for the work or ask them to have it scraped, even then its normally only done half right..
just roll some stabiliser on it. PVA and skim.

works for me

Bondit or any other plaster bonding agent works too
hi fellas does anyone know a quick and easy way to get rid of distemper

calm down and have a smoke helps me !! :RpS_biggrin:
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