Does anyone actually love plastering still

Does anyone actually love plastering still
actually been doing this all week 65m all fuukin shapes makes a change though
I tried to drink my way through it every night....gave it up.
But wont go to work now without a large mcdonalds hot chocolate in the morning just to spark me up.
as title says does anyone actually love plastering still or is it a means to pay the bills I have high and low moments all year round but never got to the point where I say that will do,I've had many a bad customer as well as good I get walls I stand back and think that's pukka but then get walls although alright when pink look shocking before painting,I've got a trade where I can always earn,but at times miss that fire in the belly,

It's ok.. cronky shoulders, tennis elbow - but wouldn't be employed by some other twot again. Being master of your own destiny is a big plus for me. Anyhow, here's a picture. It should read 'wtf am I doing, why the fuuck did I not train as a plumber?' But me hawks not big enough. Dan does this get me a free speedskim 1800, or failing that a mug?


  • Does anyone actually love plastering still
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How could you not enjoy it. If I don't have a trowel in my hand it's not a happy day. Hold on a minute am thinking of my cock. f**k plastering if someone enjoys that s**t need to get there head looked at.
After 30 years plastering i joined the black hats and started supervising! And although i enjoy the different challenges that it gives (t**t agents) nothing beats the reaction of a client when you turn a shithole into a brand new room. Maybe im lucky, always had a good bunch around me and have taught the spreads ive worked with. All in all im at my happiest with a trowel or a rule in my hand. Cough sad bloke
Same here...don't mind it but got lots of aches and pains now X How much you make millions? billions?
It didn't make me rich but I'm not poor, I don't have debt and own the roof over my head.
When I finished my time, I liked being a qualified plasterer, then I got on site and quickly realised the learning hadn't even begun.
Every c**t and their dog thinks they're plasterers now.
It didn't make me rich but I'm not poor, I don't have debt and own the roof over my head.
When I finished my time, I liked being a qualified plasterer, then I got on site and quickly realised the learning hadn't even begun.
Every c**t and their dog thinks they're plasterers now.

Plasterers are like rocking horse shite down here...most are 40 plus...