Domestic Plasterer Crosby North Liverpool

How many is too many? I have one girl nearly 5 years old, feels like too many sometimes.

Sat here with Finley pineapple..and I got 3 daughters (y)


  • Domestic Plasterer Crosby North Liverpool
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Who in their right mind calls their child Finley Pineapple?

I called a dog Fearsome Gleaming once and got enough s**t for that.
Haha I assumed pineapple was a nickname, if that is his actual birth certificate name that’s f**k**g brilliant! He’s gonna get rinsed at school though.
Haha I assumed pineapple was a nickname, if that is his actual birth certificate name that’s fkg brilliant! He’s gonna get rinsed at school though. 4 year old Esme nicknamed him pineapple and it's sort of stuck (y)
She's called habadaba lol x