Donation Roulette

@Lodan you are a trooper, sending you a the bestest trowel that money can buy, thank you again. @Formby plastering thank you Ben that is incredibly generous top man.
And thank you @lurpak for starting this thread, I'm raising a glass to you right now x
Not my money most from the Xbox...can't help but love a tryer, mate you deserve it and so do they
i offered to come help you out before, and try bring u on my jobs,. you declined my advances and now u want a 4sum and think I'll just drop everything to join in? you're damn f**k**g right i will

Good man. Were all busy, but it'll be a bit of fun. X
I was just waiting to finish the job I'm on and donate anyway but you got more out of me this way little bit of fun.. Good idea from the wonderful talented artex boy. All a good cause. I like the smaller charity's more pure not like these ran by entrepreneurs robbing c**ts all the same.
Couldn't agree more, just like last time every penny we raise will make a difference, especially to a young charity like this one
Yeah, no problem. I can't do Thursday, and Friday's a bit up in the air at the moment. Tuesday or Wednesday next week will be fine. (y)

In the cold light of day, maybe better in a few weeks Larry...have loads to do this week.

Donation is in. As JB said, your moneys safe :D