Dont f**k with cats on netflix

Dont f**k with cats on netflix
Watched this yesterday! I recommend. The psychology of that guy! Awful but interesting.

In a f**k*d up way, everyone of us has it in us to do the same. It's just we've all been conditioned differently to behave. If the world economy collapsed and it's everyone for themselves, everyone of us won't be the same as we are now. You'd be surprised what one would be capable off with no food for a few weeks and all laws are void.
In a f**k*d up way, everyone of us has it in us to do the same. It's just we've all been conditioned differently to behave. If the world economy collapsed and it's everyone for themselves, everyone of us won't be the same as we are now. You'd be surprised what one would be capable off with no food for a few weeks and all laws are void.
Agree but there’s having to do something out of necessity and doing something for pure pleasure, that madman was doing it for pleasure.
Watched it last night. Holy f**k he's a f**k**g lunitic however, his mind was shaped like this by the world we live in. The bullying he got which can be devastating for some then he ended up on the internet with all them insecurities he had which is a recipe for disaster. The thing is thou, he could have gotten away with it if it wasn't for them people on the internet! How many more sick fucks are out there getting away with similar stuff. One f**k*d up world we live in but then again, humans are one f**k*d up species!