Duraflex v Permaflex


Well-Known Member
What is the difference?
So far, what I think I know is Marshalltown produce either a carbon or stainless steel xtralight finishing trowels - I’m looking for a 14x5 ideally carbon and pre-broken in (but not Permashape), do they make that?
I’ve broken one of my trowels recently and can’t deal with an odd number of trowels, a new one will make it an even 12.
You cant buy a carbon "broken in "

Don’t care
Duraflex v Permaflex
View attachment 35360
Quite a difference between these two - same product.

What's the difference for you?

Duraflex is a very flexible blade, but still a normal trowel blades thickness around 0.6mm I think. You can lay on with them no problem - easily durable enough, but i find them knackering as they just flex with everything.

Permaflex is exactly like a nelaflex, should never touch a hawk. Just for final finishing only, nice trowel. I think these are 0.3mm and bloody delicate, blades are stuck to the handle with some magic tape.