effin cats

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i seriously cannot see the appeal in having to firstly buy, then for 20 years buy food and litter, for the pleasure of a smelly arrogant **** shitting in your house which stinks and making you clear it up, feed it on demand, whilst it walks about thinking it owns the place, walks its shitty feet all over every surface in the house, puts hair ******* everywhere and generally doesnt even like you. there is absolutely no point in their existence

But Nick i thought you loved the pussy? :RpS_unsure:

But yeah the same as dogs mate, what's the point?
Smelly, dirty, hair ridden, germ ridden, high vet costs, pick their sh1t up,Hair everywhere, drool all over the place, disgusting smelly beasts, why anyone wants smelly animals in their house is beyond me especially with young kids about :-)
And especially Ginger dogs :-)
My ex labourer had a dog which shat on the landing. It spotted him and ate the turd before running downstairs with my lab in pursuit, as he got downstairs the dog had jumped up onto his dads' lap and was licking his face all affectionate like, The old boy was loving it "Dads' favourite" and all that. As my lab didn't care much for his dad he just said "Morning" to him and went and had his breakfast :RpS_thumbsup:
all cats are filthy things no matter what anyone says!! there are 2 that keep thinking its cool to climb on my back fence, hope they dont come in the garden cos if the dog doesnt enjoy ripping them to bits the air rifle will!!!!! filthy fncking things id sooner have a rat
Simple answer is gripper rod it is also useful in detering little thieving Barstewards and provides an easy visual reference for spotting them ie plasters on finger tips prior to plaster on legs :RpS_thumbup:
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