Hi Richard, I have done quite a bit with various EWI systems over the last 5/6 years so here are just a few thoughts on your situation re getting the EPS boards to wet fix to flat rendered and painted wall/s. Sorry I don't know what 'matie' is so cannot comment on its effectiveness. Most EWI system manufacturers supply specialist board adhesive and some providers use a 'universal' adhesive/basecoat, the specialist board adhesive is nearly always the better product to use and very rarely fails, regardless of which system you use. The important thing to note here though is that the existing rendered/painted façade which you are applying EPS boards to sounds like it has been treated with some form of weather repellent chemical or it could even be 'anti vandal' paint. Either way if it was my job I would either a) try washing it with a stabalising solution or b) lightly score the areas and seal them off with a SBR/Cement slurry mixture and then wet fix prior to pining the boards. Hope this helps cheers