EWI just a thought

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Private Member
Well i went passed the estate being worked on today, and it just when through my head, as you could see the council houses being done ,there are a lot of privately owned properties being left-out !!

A question for you guys in the know,do the contractors/local authority offer to do the private house's or are they just left !!! because i could follow along behind doing them on a private basis lol or is this to SIMPLE LOL
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Under current funding rules, if privately owned homes are in the same postal code, then they will be eligible for funding to have EWI done, esp if they are super priority grouped
Under current funding rules, if privately owned homes are in the same postal code, then they will be eligible for funding to have EWI done, esp if they are super priority grouped

well why would they be missing -out these house's ??
The houses would be 'missed out' due to the sole completion of programme/schedule with existing clients(the main contractor), those private properties which take up the EWI, will be completed at a later date, since they can choose non stock colours or products etc, which aren't necessarily being used by the main contractor.
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