Ewi on a timber frame

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Well-Known Member
I have a job to price.the guy wants to remove some old tiles from a couple of gable end's and replace using ewi.what fixings would be suitable for this job
Hi Bobby

get in touch with your preferred render system supplier and ask them to advise a spec.

The board that 'Skinny Boy' Rich refers to above has to have a pull out strength, so is usually it is a fibre cement board (not Aquapanel Exterior in this case, it does not have the pull out loads for the fixings).

Most of the render suppliers have list of suitable boards for this application...

The likes of Parex and Solix have a bonded only EWI system onto boards (then you could use Knauf Aquapanel Exterior), this may be of interest - no need for fixings - but you need them to confirm a spec for each job

Good Luck
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