EWI With Brick effect render


New Member
Hi All, i currently work for a EWI install company and we have 80 properties to complete in Bromborough on the Wirral, job due to commence next couple of week, PermaRock render system to be used, we are looking for up to 12 - 15 guys, if you are interested please let me know.

Cheers Andy
Hi All, i currently work for a EWI install company and we have 80 properties to complete in Bromborough on the Wirral, job due to commence next couple of week, PermaRock render system to be used, we are looking for up to 12 - 15 guys, if you are interested please let me know.

Cheers Andy
What sort of rates would you be paying
Sounds ok that where you based @s61
I’m based in South Yorkshire, but I know a couple of good lads who would be interested if the price was right. They are on the insides at the moment, but we are all looking to get back into the ewi
I’m based in South Yorkshire, but I know a couple of good lads who would be interested if the price was right. They are on the insides at the moment, but we are all looking to get back into the ewi
Oh right I'm in Manchester I'll see what's happening on our site bit slow atm. Got work but its dayrate which is wank
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imo Permaroc system is not the best, and with a cut brick finish that must be the dirtiest work.
Hi Apologies for late reply, just been bit busy, if you pass my mobile onto any guys that might be intereted it would be apprreciated, 07525 590548. cheers Andy