External smooth sand/ cement finish. How do you do yours????

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Just inquiring on other people's process to achieve this finish. We would apply base coat/ scratch coat around 10mm thick, keep very flat and neat, and set PVC angle beads/ stop beads with scratch coat. We would use a 3/1 sand cement mix with liquid waterproofer. Would normally allow to cure for around a week, then top coat, using 4/1 mix, straighten out with a 6 ft rule, rub with large plastic broken in float when ready, and then follow behind with small plastic float to touch up, reveals and heads picked up also and a reveal square used to straighten these. Sometimes we have lightly sponged after the two floats, sometimes not, depends on how wet/ dry render is and wether it needed it. Does anyone do it differently!?? Use a Darby when mortar starts to tighten etc???
this is the way i was taught,back in the early 90's.funnily anuf drove past a house the other day that had been rendered over the past few weeks and it looks like the guys just sponged the render when it was soaking(maybe painted up it will look like artex)

always remember after dinner,once ya read ya news paper using single sheets to draw moisture out of the wall so as to get rubbed up before it was dark:)
If we can get hold of crushed stone we'll use that. Usually use plastering sand 5/1 with a shovel of lime in and some waterproofer. We'll stick the beads beforehand using drywall and plumb up. Give it a scratch coat and leave for however long depending on weather. Top coat with same 5/1 mix with a dash of admix and lime - when it goes right it's like spreading butter. Darby it off, checking with straight edge now and again the float up when it's ready and finish with a sponge.
Wed do 4-1 scratch coat stay a foot away from the beads, bead the bellcast and dub it out bead everything else and dub out the beads then 5-1 with a couple of shovels of lime
I've used vermiculite in render before as well, the builder wanted to try it in his garage where his wood burning central heating boiler was going, did a 4-1-1 mix (wasn't sure what ratio to use) and was lovely stuff to use. Apparently gives good insulation.
I've used vermiculite in render before as well, the builder wanted to try it in his garage where his wood burning central heating boiler was going, did a 4-1-1 mix (wasn't sure what ratio to use) and was lovely stuff to use. Apparently gives good insulation.

some bagged render already contains it, expands the mix and gives coverage
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