Eze 24 spraying finish

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New Member
Can anyone give me any idea how they are finding the eze 24 for spraying multi finish?
If so I would like to know how much they can spray in one gauge?
I can put 3 bags on by hand and so to my partner without a labourer.
I'm guessing you need a labourer to help operate, mix up and clean the machine?
Any info would be great thanks!
I have a machine but don't use it for skimming.from what I've heard it's no quicker or more productive but in the long run would be easier on the body.
Cleaning out a machine will take longer that cleaning out a skim bucket.
If you are thinking of investing,a machine that mix's it for you would be more productive.
No problem with mp finish. We just count how many bags the hit will take. Mix up what we need normal would be 4 bags the Hopper can hold 2 bags and my mixing bucket can hold 2 bags. I can set the machine up and have the mp finish mixed in 10 min. Spray time 10 to 15 min.
what do you find as regards to the amount of work you can do compared to by hand the clemo?

No more just a lot easier mate. U have to finish what you put on. When spraying u want good runs. But when you go home in the evening after spraying mp finish u don't feel like you where skimming.
Multi is not made to spray. It can set in the pipe out of nowhere. And it is a cun.t to clean out of the machine.
Thanks for replying.
ive bought the eze for a very big skimming job (20000m2)
but seem to hit a problem when I get to around5 bags of multi. I've us edit 7 times and had a split pipe, a bubble in the second pipe in exactly the same place the first one split and finally I was on a wall got 2/3 the way through and the material just stopped spraying, even tho the material was wet. When I took the material hose of the outlet was blocked and the rotar/stator couldn't push it through. I had to scoop the plaster out of the hopper and begin cleaning the machine. I've lost 3 hose's in 7 gauges. What gets me is from the first minute you pour material in it fills and blocks the bottom of the machine and that material never gets sprayed out. We all know that plaster sitting around goes of rapid and put that with the heat the rotar and sator creates it's goin to set even faster! I was told I could spray 24/7 and would never have to clean the machine if it was spraying. It's quite frustrating as I really want it to work as I skim a very large amount.
was told I would spray 500m2 a day. I can't see that ever happing.
I would love to see someone spraying in large amounts of multi but I'm not sure anyone is?
There was a vid on YouTube of curry and his gang doing a 200m set. Think it was mp finish. It was with a different machine though.
Thanks for replying.
ive bought the eze for a very big skimming job (20000m2)
but seem to hit a problem when I get to around5 bags of multi. I've us edit 7 times and had a split pipe, a bubble in the second pipe in exactly the same place the first one split and finally I was on a wall got 2/3 the way through and the material just stopped spraying, even tho the material was wet. When I took the material hose of the outlet was blocked and the rotar/stator couldn't push it through. I had to scoop the plaster out of the hopper and begin cleaning the machine. I've lost 3 hose's in 7 gauges. What gets me is from the first minute you pour material in it fills and blocks the bottom of the machine and that material never gets sprayed out. We all know that plaster sitting around goes of rapid and put that with the heat the rotar and sator creates it's goin to set even faster! I was told I could spray 24/7 and would never have to clean the machine if it was spraying. It's quite frustrating as I really want it to work as I skim a very large amount.
was told I would spray 500m2 a day. I can't see that ever happing.
I would love to see someone spraying in large amounts of multi but I'm not sure anyone is?

Who did you buy the machine off Alan?
I believe multi can't be sprayed so that should of been said with your training.did you have training?
Listen to clemo & currier on here,they spray finish a lot so know the system well.500m2 a day is dreaming
Alan, as we have suggested mate it sounds like something very simple is going wrong. The machine works for this application and has been proved. Even a post in here off guys who used it for Multi

As suggested several times to you, bring it down and we will go through everything from start to finish.

500m2? I remember saying 200 to you and also remember you saying you achieved this total on your first job.

We are here to help mate but do need to see you and the machine as there will be a simple solution

Give me a call and we will get you back up and running mate
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Who did you buy the machine off Alan?
I believe multi can't be sprayed so that should of been said with your training.did you have training?
Listen to clemo & currier on here,they spray finish a lot so know the system well.500m2 a day is dreaming

Multi can be sprayed... Machines such as the Ritmo and M100 were designed to spray Multi back in the day.

BG state it shouldn't be sprayed and their spray finish should be used instead as they feel the system won't work.

500m2 is dreaming but 200m2 as we actually stated isn't :-)
If your gonna spray anything one coat do your tapered edgre first and let them harden right up.

The ritmo can spray multi but its not nice to work as it sets to quick to make machine application worth while really.

Split pipe? Has the gun got a shut off vavle? I reckon someone is closing the gun and leaving the machine to run creating massive pessure.
From my experiences 9/10 the problems can be sorted over the phone.all my problems have been a error on my part due to lack of knowledge.
Thanks for replying.
ive bought the eze for a very big skimming job (20000m2)
but seem to hit a problem when I get to around5 bags of multi. I've us edit 7 times and had a split pipe, a bubble in the second pipe in exactly the same place the first one split and finally I was on a wall got 2/3 the way through and the material just stopped spraying, even tho the material was wet. When I took the material hose of the outlet was blocked and the rotar/stator couldn't push it through. I had to scoop the plaster out of the hopper and begin cleaning the machine. I've lost 3 hose's in 7 gauges. What gets me is from the first minute you pour material in it fills and blocks the bottom of the machine and that material never gets sprayed out. We all know that plaster sitting around goes of rapid and put that with the heat the rotar and sator creates it's goin to set even faster! I was told I could spray 24/7 and would never have to clean the machine if it was spraying. It's quite frustrating as I really want it to work as I skim a very large amount.
was told I would spray 500m2 a day. I can't see that ever happing.
I would love to see someone spraying in large amounts of multi but I'm not sure anyone is?

I remember being where you are now 8 years ago mate. Don't use the shut off valve. spraying multi is not worth it if u put the gun down for 30 sec there is a good chance the pipe will clog. But if you are going to try spray it again here is a tip. Have a long drill bit about 3ft. On the end of a drill ready. When u clog the pipe take off the gun. Get the machine to spin slow and drill inside the pipe. This should get u up and running again. If you get mp finish u will not have any problems spraying it.
Hi Alanman can you not order knauf mp off the net?i havnt got a machine(though considering getting one) but it seems mp finish is the way to go especially with 20000m2 would knauf not deliver direct for this amount?
Hi @theclemo, thanks for the question. We haven't tested using MultiFinish with this machine so we couldn't recommend it, but we would suggest trying Link Removed - let us know how you get on!
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Hi @theclemo, thanks for the question. We haven't tested using MultiFinish with this machine so we couldn't recommend it, but we would suggest trying Link Removed - let us know how you get on!

I was under the impression multi couldn't be skimmed from looking back at post from past.
Knauf seems the way to go
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it was the plastering one stop shop (Ryan)
Yes I had a brief training session which was centred mostly around the set up and cleaning if the machine. I was never informed multi could not be sprayed tho
Hi ryan
I'm sure it is something simple but the general consensus seems to be that you can't spray multi finish? Even British gypsum say so. You told me the eze has been throughly tested yet British gypsum say it has not been tested with multi finish? That's not throughly tested in my opinion. Also you and your farther both discussed and agreed that I would spray 500m2 in a day. If you would've told me only 200m2 I would never of bought the machine as I can skim not far from this amount by hand so there for no point.
Mp finish seems to be a very popular choice however on this contract it's gypsum spec!
I'm also into the last quarter of the job
Clemo this contract was gypsum finish.
Mp finish seems to me the way for machine plastering but I bought the eze solely for spraying multi in large amounts
thanks for all the info
Hi Alan,

Yes it is me Ryan. We have tested the machine extensively and it does work. 500m2 would never have been mentioned especially as you said it was only yourself and 2 others on the job. You can spray all day but can only put on what you can finish.

As discussed with you several times. Please come and see us and we will get everything sorted. We have nothing to hide from and will fix the situation for you.

We arranged the one meeting which you couldn't attend but will be more than happy to get things working for you.

Multi isn't the best to spray apply and we would never say it is. Spray finish or MP finish would be the better choice. However you stated you needed to spray Multi.

Each plastering machine will put the same amount on the wall. It's down to the spreads to finish it
Thanks for help mate.
I bought the machine only fir this job and it's sole purpose of spraying multi finish.
Seems to me it could be a few things not right. Hopefully it will get sorted out.
I thought the forum might be a good place to ask questions and it's seems y'all are very clued up on machine plastering so thanks!
How often do you have to clean the machine out when spraying multi Ryan? If there's 3 lads there then there gonna want to be spraying 15 bags at once between them.
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